Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The first question you might have is, "why?" "Why did you(Timothy) make a blog?" The answer is simple God told me to. I believe that God directed me to make this blog to publish my ideas and adventures to the world for the edification, encouragement, and exhortation of believers, I hope you can tell what my spiritual gift is.

But the more important question for you is "why?" Why should your read another blog why should you spend my time investing in what this Timothy has to say? Because the Holy Spirit brought you here to read my words now and if He brought you to read what I'm typing now I believe that He brought you here to read and profit from what I'm going to write in the future.

So open up, take a step back and view yourself from another point of view. Then and only then focus on what God not me is going to say to you.